Tuesday, January 20, 2015

My Reading Profile

I have always loved to read.  As a librarian, the toughest part is seeing and touching books that look really interesting, but I can't sit down right then and read it.  My Goodreads list keeps growing--which means I should never be bored . . . right?

My reading tastes run from picture books that I just have to share with my children, to Christian fiction for those days I just need a feel good story, to fairy tale retellings and fantasy for days I want to escape into my imagination.  I enjoy reading historical fiction and mystery as well--though I don't read these very often.

The one genre I find myself running away from is Horror.  I don't know about you, but I enjoy feeling safe and sane.  Stephen King, what snippets I have experienced, does not do that for me.  I have never been the same after watching Alfred Hitchcock's, The Birds.  Nope -- no to Horror.  I tend to stay away from sexually explicit material as well--no to Fifty Shades of anything.

I am a big teen literature reader.  If someone recommends a teen author or title, I will almost always read it.  I took a class in Youth Services and Literature where we were to read, read, read.  (I read over 5000 pages -- That's not easy to do when you have a lot going on.)  You would think that by the end of the semester I would be looking for something a little more "grown up" or a break from reading altogether.  Nope.  A lot of these teen novels have serious thematic material. I have an addiction!  I found myself captivated by books . . .  or sleeping!

I am hoping to spread out into other "genres" over the next 3 - 4 months.  My goals are to enter the "adult world" and read Mystery, Suspense, Western (my Dad's favorite growing up), Adventure, and ---just to keep an even keel--Gentle reads.


  1. I'm with you on the horror! I don't really like dystopian, end-of-the-world scenarios either. I already have enough stress in my life, I can't possibly fathom mentally supporting my characters in such disastrous do-or-die situations. :)

  2. I'm with you on the horror! I don't really like dystopian, end-of-the-world scenarios either. I already have enough stress in my life, I can't possibly fathom mentally supporting my characters in such disastrous do-or-die situations. :)

  3. I am interested in learning more about the gentle reads. I am assuming it is the collection our library deems as inspirational fiction.

  4. I feel your pain! I only work in the collection once a month (I am more the administrative side) but when I do I always leave with WAY TOO MANY books... which I will never actually get to. My Goodreads has gotten so explosive that it is actually starting to stress me out!

    Hope you enjoyed venturing out! I enjoyed reading your annotations.
